Enjoy this diorama in all of it's glory by clicking the fullscreen button located in the bottom right corner!

Click and drag the mouse to align the camera position


This is a small diorama showcasing the game Sulfur. It's a small Indie roguelike Shooter with a unique aesthetic. While the game is only available as a demo it's still worth giving it a try - It's super fun! I used a similar art style while also adding a unique look to it, making it look in  an even heavier and darker atmosphere. The small Chest on the righthand side is interactable.

Everything in this scene was selfmade (except audio).

During creation I used the following tools:

  • Blender
  • Substance Painter
  • Unity
  • Photoshop


Ambience Sound from https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/forgotten-cave-159880/

This game was created at the Visualistaion and Interaction in Digital Media (VIS) program of HS Ansbach

Supervised by:  Prof. Sebastian Stamm (Game Art SS 2024)


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